Gabriel Lopes has worked as a professional musician and with carnival since the beginning of the 2000s. During this time he became a member of the Monobloco (a famous Brazilian band) and since then has been both musician and percussion teacher at the workshops. With the group he recorded 2 albums and 2 DVDs. He has been a teacher in the Monobloco workshops for more than 10 years, preparing the students for the bloco's parades in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo.
He also gives private lessons in music schools and takes part in an annual tour of the UK, called the Bossas Tour, teaching percussion to the baterias (percussion groups) of UK samba schools.
He is the Mestre de Bateria (drum master) of Volta Alice, a bloco which has paraded since 2005 through the streets of Laranjeiras. The bloco attracts on average around 10,000 followers and the bateria performs with around 100 members.
Gabriel also does research into samba school baterias. He is the author of the books "Mestre Dudu - As paradinhas da Não Existe Mais Quente" and "As Bossas do Mestre Maurão".
To further his research into the baterias of samba schools, he created Samba Beats and he shares the results of this research through the website and the Youtube channel